Tampa Solar Water Heaters
Start Warming up to Smaller Electric Bills with Solar Water Heaters
All Solar Power uses Guardian water heaters. These solar heaters are loaded with state-of-the-art features and designed to be self-sufficient, reliable, durable, and economically-smart, sustaining the highest level of durability and performance found in the industry.
The high-efficiency scroll compressor provides quiet operation, producing higher efficiency and longer lasting trouble-free capability.
By installing a Guardian water heater, you will take your electric or gas water off the “energy guzzling highway” and straight into the sun’s unlimited free energy; doing your part to conserve our natural resources and join the many Tampa homeowners who proudly own and benefit from their own solar water heaters.
Also, just like your current water heater, you never have to worry about having hot water. A Guardian water heater takes care of itself. It knows when to collect heat from the sun and when not to. It knows when no electricity is needed (which is most of the time) and when to provide back-up to ensure your comfort. This water heater is so smart that you can just kick back, take a deep breath and simply enjoy the savings it provides. Solar water heaters have performed faithfully over the past 25 years and pay for themselves many times over.